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Student Life

博天堂官方的学生生活包罗万象,从你住的地方、吃的地方到俱乐部 你参加的组织,你观看的运动、展览和活动. No matter 你的爱好或兴趣,我们有你的东西,从舞台到竞技场 to the trail. 通过点击上面的类别或滚动来选择您感兴趣的区域 below to see what we have to offer

Campus Arts

博天堂官方的圆形剧场“落基山脉的小剧场”里坐下来看看 学生演员和客座艺术家参加的戏剧演出是你从未见过的 seen it before. 在UNC/Greeley沉浸在三天的世界级爵士乐中 Jazz Festival. 欣赏公共艺术装置和画廊,丰富你的想象力, 在课间停下来听听即兴的户外音乐会. It’s no surprise that 一所以优秀的表演和视觉艺术项目而闻名的大学会分享 人才和娱乐与校园和地区社会. With more than 400 每年都有学生自导自演,总有看点.

Learn more about arts at UNC

Cultural Centers

博天堂官方的八个文化中心提供了一个不同的世界,文化和 视点,以及提供安全空间来建立社区. Each center promotes equitability and inclusivity, and all are welcome.

Visit a Cultural Center

Clubs and Organizations

找到你的利基(以及社会、专业和文化机会) 100 clubs and organizations.

Housing and Dining

博天堂官方生活和吃饭的地方是你生活经历的重要组成部分. With 17 residence 大厅迎合各种不同的兴趣和需求,包括宠物友好 社区,性别包容社区和住宿学习社区.

Find your place

There are also a variety of dining options and plans to choose from.

Campus Recreation

UNC supports the whole you. Wellness at all levels is a priority, and Campus Recreation can help you find your fit, from yoga to weightlifting. Join classes, a club team 或者在我们9万平方英尺的休闲空间中找到一个单独的锻炼 to you.

Learn more about Campus Recreation

西校区的校园娱乐中心为250多人提供服务,000 student and faculty/staff visits annually.

More than 10,000 square feet of strength and conditioning spaces, featuring weight machines, free weights, treadmills, steppers, ellipticals, upright and recumbent bikes, an upper-body cycle, and rowing machines.

Enroll in mind and body, mixed format, cardio, 力量和舞蹈课程,包括各种瑜伽和冥想课程, spinning, cycle and core, kickboxing, power pump, PulsePointe Barre®, Hip Hop Jazz Fusion and Zumba®.




With climbing heights of 31 feet, 还有800多个不同的支点和8个保护站, UNC’s climbing wall is designed for all abilities. 校园娱乐中心提供技能课程和工作人员的安全区域, technical hints and belaying.

A 25-yard, six-lane lap swim pool with a diving well, 巴特勒汉考克可供学生使用,并可通过校园娱乐中心访问.

Outdoor Pursuits

博天堂官方有很多活动,从校内运动到飞盘高尔夫,还有我们独特的 户外活动计划,您将轻松进入科罗拉多州令人惊叹的户外冒险 有旅行、技能研讨会、免费装备租赁和知识渊博的规划建议 and preparation. 有5000多件免费装备可供出租,什么都没有 stopping you from getting out in the great outdoors.

Learn more about Outdoor Pursuits

Learn Leave-No-Trace Principles, camp kitchen set-up, snowshoeing, bike maintenance, s’more making, hiking, rock climbing and more.

Need gear? We’ve got you covered. There’s no charge to check out items like tents, backpacks, snowboards, sleeping bags, cooking gear, kayaks and more. Staff can also give you ideas for great places to explore.

Plan your next outdoor adventure with Campus Recreation. Trips offered each semester include whitewater rafting, camping, hiking, rock climbing, skiing and more.

Get to know other new students, student leaders, and staff or faculty before the first semester begins. 一次典型的旅行可能包括露营、漂流和骑马以及户外服务项目.

这个项目致力于提供驾车之外的另一种选择,并在校园里促进熊的自豪感. 我们的车队有100辆巡洋舰自行车和20辆山地车可供免费租用. 每辆自行车都配有头盔和锁,以及使用前置车筐的选项.

No matter your skill level, try out UNC’s climbing wall. And to deepen and test your skills, you’ll find annual climbing competitions, 赞助人攀爬日,初学者和女士攀爬夜.

Bear Athletics

你的学生证是你参加博天堂官方体育运动和15个NCAA一级球队的门票 你会有很多机会展现你的熊骄傲.

Men’s Sports: 棒球,篮球,越野,足球,高尔夫,田径(室内和室外) Outdoor) and Wrestling.

Women’s Sports: 篮球,越野,高尔夫,足球,垒球,游泳和跳水,田径和 Field (Indoor and Outdoor) and Volleyball.

Learn more about UNC Athletics

Greek Life

博天堂官方,有20个不同的章节,每个章节都专注于建立友谊,丰富 社区,树立学术成功和鼓励个人发展的典范 creating great memories along the way. Join a fraternity or sorority

Explore Greeley

学生们经常评论他们与格里利的联系有多紧密. There’s a lot to do 在这里,你会感到自己受到了这个兼收并蓄、充满活力的社区的欢迎. Ride miles 自行车道,玩飞盘高尔夫球场,享受滑冰公园,节日,艺术和 音乐和大城市的机会与大学城的氛围融合在一起.

Experience Greeley

Gotta love Colorado!

Planning a weekend ski trip to the mountains? Winter Park, Keystone and Breckenridge 离格里利有几个科罗拉多的滑雪胜地在两小时之内吗.

But there’s more to Colorado than powder. Check out some of these great resources.

Colorado flag

Plan a Weekend Ski Trip

Arapahoe Basin


Copper Mountain

Crested Butte




Winter Park

Explore Colorado's Natural Beauty

Arapahoe National Forest

Pawnee National Grasslands

Colorado 14ers

Colorado 13ers

Colorado Parks & Wildlife

Colorado Wilderness

Indian Peaks

U.S. Forest Service

Get Outside for Your Next Adventure





Bouldering/Rock Climbing

Camping and Fishing


Swimming (Paddle Boarding, Wake Boarding, Tubing)